The Midwest African American Genealogy Institute
MAAGI 2025
July 8 - 10th 2025 , Virtual
If paying by check or money order, download this form, print and mail payment to the address below.
Full Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________State________________________________________Zip Code___________________________________________
Contact Phone Number__________________________________ Emergency Phone Number___________________________________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SELECT TRACK YOU WISH TO REGISTER FOR BY CHECKING BELOW: Mark 1 for 1st choice and 2 for your second choice.
_____ Track 1: Fundamental Methods & Strategies for African American Research (Shelley Murphy, Coordinator)
_____ Track 1B Methods and Strategies for Slave Research (Shelley Murphy, Coordinator)
_____ Track 2a: Beginning DNA & African American Genealogy, (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 2b: Intermediate DNA & African American Genealogy, (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 3: Intermediate Genealogy - Pre & Post Slavery Era Research (Janis Minor Forté, Coordinator)
_____ Track 4: Genealogy Writing From Planning to Publication (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 5: Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes (Angela Walton-Raji, Coordinator)
Registration Fee: $325.00 (for MAAGI Members: $276.25 - checks only)*
Please check MEMBER__________ Non-MEMBER__________
Make check or Money Order Payable to: MAAGI
Mail payment to:
Midwest African American Genealogy Institute
PO Box 37-9612
Chicago IL 60637
How did you hear about MAAGI? ______Facebook ______Twitter _______Email _______Gen. Society _______ Word of Mouth _____
Other (please specify) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________State________________________________________Zip Code___________________________________________
Contact Phone Number__________________________________ Emergency Phone Number___________________________________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SELECT TRACK YOU WISH TO REGISTER FOR BY CHECKING BELOW: Mark 1 for 1st choice and 2 for your second choice.
_____ Track 1: Fundamental Methods & Strategies for African American Research (Shelley Murphy, Coordinator)
_____ Track 1B Methods and Strategies for Slave Research (Shelley Murphy, Coordinator)
_____ Track 2a: Beginning DNA & African American Genealogy, (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 2b: Intermediate DNA & African American Genealogy, (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 3: Intermediate Genealogy - Pre & Post Slavery Era Research (Janis Minor Forté, Coordinator)
_____ Track 4: Genealogy Writing From Planning to Publication (Bernice Bennett, Coordinator)
_____ Track 5: Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes (Angela Walton-Raji, Coordinator)
Registration Fee: $325.00 (for MAAGI Members: $276.25 - checks only)*
Please check MEMBER__________ Non-MEMBER__________
Make check or Money Order Payable to: MAAGI
Mail payment to:
Midwest African American Genealogy Institute
PO Box 37-9612
Chicago IL 60637
How did you hear about MAAGI? ______Facebook ______Twitter _______Email _______Gen. Society _______ Word of Mouth _____
Other (please specify) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
* An administrative fee of $25.00 will be applied to the first Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) check received. A fee or $50.00 will be applied to the
second NSF. Following, any further monies must be sent via money order or cashier's check
second NSF. Following, any further monies must be sent via money order or cashier's check